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Sustainable options

Preservation of nature, culture, and environment

Strengthening of social values

Economic viability

Our goal is a sustainable hotel

Our goals:


1. Reduce unnecessary use of plastic.

The large consumption of disposable plastic has become a major problem worldwide. Plastic creates significant challenges for wildlife both on land and in the sea. Initially, the hotel is working to reduce the disposable plastic we use. We also want to facilitate both guests and staff to recycle plastic that is brought in or used.


2. Use of environmentally friendly cleaning agents

We want to use only cleaning agents that do not have a harmful effect on nature and wildlife.


3. Facilitate recycling for both staff and guests

Initially, we follow the municipality's guidelines for recycling, but we want to do even better.

We want to reduce residual waste, and recycle everything that can be recycled.


4. Use of renewable energy

In a country like Norway, we are lucky, 98% of the energy we use is renewable.


5. Reduce unnecessary water consumption

We want to reduce unnecessary water consumption, and encourage all our customers who stay with us for more than 1 night to only ask for a new towel if it is necessary.


6. Leave only footprints in nature

We have fantastic nature in Bardufoss and facilitate our customers to have great natural experiences, but only leave their footprints.


7. Local food

We use local raw materials and food products when available. This reduces emissions related to transport. We also want to use only meat from free-range animals that have had good lives and organic vegetables.


Do you have suggestions on how we can improve? Contact us at

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